Finally! People are starting to realize that Showgirls is a masterpiece. Yes, it is a comedy. Yes, it is a tragic drama. And it finally gets the rating it deserves! Maxim Magazine August 2004 issue rates Showgirls DVD VIP Boxset Edition with 5 STARS! Yes, that is 5 out of 5 stars for both the the DVD/Movie and the Boxset. Maxim and world critics are finally admitting that Showgirls is brilliant!
A Dark Comedic Horror Musical! Watch it today on Amazon VOD!
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Hi there, Since I don't have my website up any longer, this is it! Thanks for clicking by and clicking on me! I have been blogging since 2004, and still going. I hope to update my blog more often. Please click on my Fans of Rena's Blog to keep updated with my blog. Peace and Love, Rena